Tuesday, 9 December 2008
"Christmas" by Connor MS, Age 10, Class 6KR
Carol singers outside your door.
Heritages for the town.
Racing down slopes will make you sore .
I will be happy and not let down.
Santa will come to your house.
Toys for every girl and boy.
Merry Christmas,but be quiet as a mouse.
As good as you are,don't annoy.
Some toys will come, so please be good,
but still Christmas is in your blood.
Connor MS
Age 10
Class 6KR
Monday, 8 December 2008
"Connor's Christmas wish list" by Connor MS, Age 10, Class 6KR
Connor's Christmas Wish List
I've got nothing to write and so I'm going to write my Christmas list (for some reason!don't ask me why)
For Christmas I will be grateful for anything but these are the top of my Christmas list:
Nintendo DS
Products(apart from women and girls) with anything - Quicksilver, Billabong,
Rip Curl, Airwalk, Animal, DC (ie. shoes, tops, hoodies, etc, etc)
A Manchester City kit with slappy(S.Ireland) on the back
Nike or white Umbro Under Armour
Football boots,football AstroTurf, etc, etc
An England kit
A laptop
A new phone(hopefully the i phone but never going to happen)
An early Christmas present,
Bodmin town to win against Charlstown
Ah ha nothing else much apart from a Happy Christmas!!
By Connor MS
Age 10
Class 6KR
Saturday, 6 December 2008
"The Night Before Christmas" (rewritten) by Georgia B, Age 10 Class 6KR
The Night Before Christmas (re-written)
It was the night before Christmas, and all you could hear
Was little children saying "Christmas is nearly here."
"Time to go to bed, now children," says the maid of the house.
Everyone is asleep now, not even a sound from a mouse
The children hung their stockings by the open fire,
The one who had the biggest was little Kiya
A clattering I heard, on top of the roof,
Its Santa! and I heard a hoof
glide across my house top,
but on the centre of my roof I heard it stop.
Then I heard a thump, down the chimney he came
This routine was always the same.
I raced down stairs, I saw him come
It was Santa! It was him! It was the real one!
He filled all the stockings, three toys in each,
Each stocking so low, even little Kiya could reach.
Then he turned on his heel, up the chimney he went,
Taking with him, the card that I sent
Then just before I turned out the light,
I heard 'someone' say "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night"
By Georgia B
Age 10
Class 6KR
Friday, 5 December 2008
"Christmas Poem" by Connor MS, Age 10, Class 6KR
Christmas Poem
Snow is here and Christmas same
when this is here, summer is lame.
With mistletoe and presents
and the family is pleasant.
Baking cookies for St Nick
which one will he pick?
Christmas is full of joy
for each girl and boy.
In the season there will be sport
But when they win, prezzies will be brought.
But for all those helpful men
hot cocoa on their table,inside their den.
For presents, the shops are full
and these gifts, the remainders will pull.
In the middle of the night, there be a clatter
But no worries mum,there is no matter
for it is only Santa.
Connor MS
Age 10
Class 6KR
Thursday, 4 December 2008
"The attack of the beed-bots" by Connor MS, Age 10, Class 6KR
This story is far from realistic so do not believe anything!!
The attack of the beed-bots
One winter night in the middle of December, Me, mum and dad came in from winter shopping. We were shopping for stuff to eat on Christmas day. Turkeys, stuffing, carrots, you name it we got it, but any way back to the story.
As I got out of the car the cold air whistled through my ear like opera, my goose bumps spiked up like spikes on a porcupines body and air like there was no happiness in the world. As we got in the house the first thing my mum did is turn on the heater. My dad put the football on, Manchester city was playing A C Milan in the quarters of the UEFA cup, Manchester city was my favourite team I will support them all my life and this season we had a chance of winning something (ha ha yeah right). In the end we lost, typical, I hate referees their dodgy decisions always get us out of competitions. I made a cup of tea for my mum and coffee for my dad. After a match I always do that because I like talking about the game with my family around me. We would normally put two and a half men on but we put Simpsons on.
When I went to bed I thought to my self, why was the world colder today than ever, must be something to do with global warming? I could not get to sleep that night and after a few hours I looked at my clock. I was amazed to see it was 1:00am but I still could not get to sleep on that cold night. Suddenly I noticed that it was all silent not even the wind (which was before deafening) was heard. I went to look out of my window to see if I could spot something which was stopping this howling noise. But there was no spotting to be needed, a big, shadowing creature stood in front of my window. It looked a medical, roboty thing, like the ones of Star Wars. When I looked at him the constant threat glimmered through his dark eyes. He was holding in his hand a bag with every human in our street and maybe Triningle View because the carrier was so big.
Suddenly a big metallic arm flew in to my bedroom grabbed hold of me and shoved me with all its might into the bag. Saw a few friends from Triningle and our street in there. I got my nails and ripped the bag open, we fell on to the patch of grass next to my house. At this point it was about 2:00 am so I couldn't get my friends. I had to do it on my own.
I got everybody in the bag to help. I shouted, ''Get some snowballs and fire them!'' Bob had a great shot which got him right in between the eyes and his eye balls knocked the eyes out (not a good mechanic the creator). Me and Bob quickly, as fast as we can, ran into the house to get some screws to get this sorted out. We unscrewed the box in side to rip everything out. When we did, everyone started cheering me and Bob. Me and Bob went back to our houses to get some sleep for the school day tomorrow. How are we not going to be told off for being late because no one would believe our story(ha ha).
The End
By Connor MS
Age 10
Class 6KR
Re: Brandon's newest installment of Fantastica
Because this is not on this months "Winter" theme I couldn't publish it here. However, I know many of you will want to read this latest installment and so I have published Fantastica Book 4: "County of the Unicorns" directly below November's Book 3 installment (under 'November' in Contents section).
"County of the Unicorns" can be found by clicking on the link below:
Just scroll down and "County of the Unicorns" can be found below book 3.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
"A Poem About Christmas" by Georgia B, Age 10, Class 6KR
A poem about Christmas
Christmas is a time where,
spirit and joy is what we share.
Calendar,trees and prezzies for me and you
there's elves, Santa and turkey too.
Ice and snow though we never get it
and candles near windows that have just been lit
and baubles and tinsel cover the tree,
that hide the presents under for you and me.
On Christmas day the wait is over
Ploughing snow with a land rover
Sitting by the fire so warm
Away from the Christmas storm!
by Georgia B
Age 10
Class 6KR
"Winter" by Brandon H, Age 10, Class 6KR
Winter time is very near,
I need to wear two pairs of socks and a woolly bobble hat,
Number one need is to go downstairs,
To catch Santa unawares!
Everyone is in the spirit,
Ready for tomorrow morning!
By Brandon H
Age 10
Class 6KR
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
"The Snow Spider" by Brandon H, Age 10, Class 6KR
The Snow Spider
Lucy was trudging home in her elephant and rabbit Wellingtons and bright red coat, when she suddenly came across a most unfamiliar sight; a spider was on her bedroom windowsill, staring at her as though she was a delectable tiramisu.
The spider was jet black with strange, blood-red markings on its abdomen.
Lucy ignored this after a while, thinking it purely coincidental that it was upon her windowsill.
When inside, she called to her mum to tell her that she was home.
Lucy flicked the switch on the kettle and spooned two spoons of cocoa into a mug.
She brought the mass of liquid gold and steam onto the worktop and squirted mountains of whipped cream onto the top; she added miniature marshmallows and chocolate shavings to the cream.
She brought the mug to her lips and sipped; the cocoa was only mild to her in this terrible cold, it felt as though she was having a cold bath in the blazing summer as it trickled down her throat.
She took off her coat, scarf and Wellingtons and went upstairs to the computer in her room to play online hangman with her friend, Meggie.
There was a rapping at her window; Lucy turned her head and forgot all about Meggie and hangman.
The spider was at her window, a bright web was spun above it, and it had mysterious writing on it:
I am with you,
I watch over you,
You may say,
In a way,
I am the queen of snow spiders.
“Spiders can write, and…snow spiders, it looks like a black widow…it…oh my god!” she gasped, nearly in a babbling fit.
In front of her was a beautiful woman, she was wearing a flowing, glacier blue gown; her hair was long and straight and snowflake white; her lips were the same color as peaches.
“Yes, Lucy,” she said “I am the snow queen, or, as you saw, the snow spider. I am your god-guardian; like a protector, an Ancient of the Christmas descendants”.
“But who, where, why are you here?”
“I thought it was time you knew me, I am, after all, your god-guardian, a descendant of the Ancients of Christmas.”
“Are you the queen in your world or…”
“No, I am just an ancient, though the religious people of my world believe me to be the daughter of the phoenix. They are, you must see, Shia’rians”.
“Followers of the Phoenix, it is she who is the maker of the world, no, she is the world, the core, the centre of the earth”.
“Could you tell me the story of the Phoenix?”
“Of course, it began before two thousand and eight years ago… the Phoenix was a creator, she was a magnificent golden bird, the world she had created turned against her, tried to kill her.
But killing the Phoenix was impossible, it kept fighting back and killing thousands of her world.
The battle against her lasted over a hundred years and the Phoenix’s people imprisoned her in a cage so powerful that the sun couldn’t melt it.
Years passed as the Phoenix’s world crumbled and the people and creations died off or survived on cannibalism.
The Phoenix’s cage collected dust particles and atmosphere, stars and miniature meteors over the years and our plants and nature grew on it, into the place that we now call…Earth”.
Lucy was intrigued; the look on her face said it all.
“I must go now, the descendants are calling,” said the snow queen. “But I must tell you this, you must never tell anyone of me, for they will not believe”.
But the next day though, Lucy told Meggie, who, of course, did not believe; she stared at Lucy as if she had said “I saw a train eating custard”.
This concludes our story.
By Brandon H
Age 10
Class 6KR