Tuesday, 9 December 2008
"Christmas" by Connor MS, Age 10, Class 6KR
Carol singers outside your door.
Heritages for the town.
Racing down slopes will make you sore .
I will be happy and not let down.
Santa will come to your house.
Toys for every girl and boy.
Merry Christmas,but be quiet as a mouse.
As good as you are,don't annoy.
Some toys will come, so please be good,
but still Christmas is in your blood.
Connor MS
Age 10
Class 6KR
Monday, 8 December 2008
"Connor's Christmas wish list" by Connor MS, Age 10, Class 6KR
Connor's Christmas Wish List
I've got nothing to write and so I'm going to write my Christmas list (for some reason!don't ask me why)
For Christmas I will be grateful for anything but these are the top of my Christmas list:
Nintendo DS
Products(apart from women and girls) with anything - Quicksilver, Billabong,
Rip Curl, Airwalk, Animal, DC (ie. shoes, tops, hoodies, etc, etc)
A Manchester City kit with slappy(S.Ireland) on the back
Nike or white Umbro Under Armour
Football boots,football AstroTurf, etc, etc
An England kit
A laptop
A new phone(hopefully the i phone but never going to happen)
An early Christmas present,
Bodmin town to win against Charlstown
Ah ha nothing else much apart from a Happy Christmas!!
By Connor MS
Age 10
Class 6KR
Saturday, 6 December 2008
"The Night Before Christmas" (rewritten) by Georgia B, Age 10 Class 6KR
The Night Before Christmas (re-written)
It was the night before Christmas, and all you could hear
Was little children saying "Christmas is nearly here."
"Time to go to bed, now children," says the maid of the house.
Everyone is asleep now, not even a sound from a mouse
The children hung their stockings by the open fire,
The one who had the biggest was little Kiya
A clattering I heard, on top of the roof,
Its Santa! and I heard a hoof
glide across my house top,
but on the centre of my roof I heard it stop.
Then I heard a thump, down the chimney he came
This routine was always the same.
I raced down stairs, I saw him come
It was Santa! It was him! It was the real one!
He filled all the stockings, three toys in each,
Each stocking so low, even little Kiya could reach.
Then he turned on his heel, up the chimney he went,
Taking with him, the card that I sent
Then just before I turned out the light,
I heard 'someone' say "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night"
By Georgia B
Age 10
Class 6KR
Friday, 5 December 2008
"Christmas Poem" by Connor MS, Age 10, Class 6KR
Christmas Poem
Snow is here and Christmas same
when this is here, summer is lame.
With mistletoe and presents
and the family is pleasant.
Baking cookies for St Nick
which one will he pick?
Christmas is full of joy
for each girl and boy.
In the season there will be sport
But when they win, prezzies will be brought.
But for all those helpful men
hot cocoa on their table,inside their den.
For presents, the shops are full
and these gifts, the remainders will pull.
In the middle of the night, there be a clatter
But no worries mum,there is no matter
for it is only Santa.
Connor MS
Age 10
Class 6KR
Thursday, 4 December 2008
"The attack of the beed-bots" by Connor MS, Age 10, Class 6KR
This story is far from realistic so do not believe anything!!
The attack of the beed-bots
One winter night in the middle of December, Me, mum and dad came in from winter shopping. We were shopping for stuff to eat on Christmas day. Turkeys, stuffing, carrots, you name it we got it, but any way back to the story.
As I got out of the car the cold air whistled through my ear like opera, my goose bumps spiked up like spikes on a porcupines body and air like there was no happiness in the world. As we got in the house the first thing my mum did is turn on the heater. My dad put the football on, Manchester city was playing A C Milan in the quarters of the UEFA cup, Manchester city was my favourite team I will support them all my life and this season we had a chance of winning something (ha ha yeah right). In the end we lost, typical, I hate referees their dodgy decisions always get us out of competitions. I made a cup of tea for my mum and coffee for my dad. After a match I always do that because I like talking about the game with my family around me. We would normally put two and a half men on but we put Simpsons on.
When I went to bed I thought to my self, why was the world colder today than ever, must be something to do with global warming? I could not get to sleep that night and after a few hours I looked at my clock. I was amazed to see it was 1:00am but I still could not get to sleep on that cold night. Suddenly I noticed that it was all silent not even the wind (which was before deafening) was heard. I went to look out of my window to see if I could spot something which was stopping this howling noise. But there was no spotting to be needed, a big, shadowing creature stood in front of my window. It looked a medical, roboty thing, like the ones of Star Wars. When I looked at him the constant threat glimmered through his dark eyes. He was holding in his hand a bag with every human in our street and maybe Triningle View because the carrier was so big.
Suddenly a big metallic arm flew in to my bedroom grabbed hold of me and shoved me with all its might into the bag. Saw a few friends from Triningle and our street in there. I got my nails and ripped the bag open, we fell on to the patch of grass next to my house. At this point it was about 2:00 am so I couldn't get my friends. I had to do it on my own.
I got everybody in the bag to help. I shouted, ''Get some snowballs and fire them!'' Bob had a great shot which got him right in between the eyes and his eye balls knocked the eyes out (not a good mechanic the creator). Me and Bob quickly, as fast as we can, ran into the house to get some screws to get this sorted out. We unscrewed the box in side to rip everything out. When we did, everyone started cheering me and Bob. Me and Bob went back to our houses to get some sleep for the school day tomorrow. How are we not going to be told off for being late because no one would believe our story(ha ha).
The End
By Connor MS
Age 10
Class 6KR
Re: Brandon's newest installment of Fantastica
Because this is not on this months "Winter" theme I couldn't publish it here. However, I know many of you will want to read this latest installment and so I have published Fantastica Book 4: "County of the Unicorns" directly below November's Book 3 installment (under 'November' in Contents section).
"County of the Unicorns" can be found by clicking on the link below:
Just scroll down and "County of the Unicorns" can be found below book 3.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
"A Poem About Christmas" by Georgia B, Age 10, Class 6KR
A poem about Christmas
Christmas is a time where,
spirit and joy is what we share.
Calendar,trees and prezzies for me and you
there's elves, Santa and turkey too.
Ice and snow though we never get it
and candles near windows that have just been lit
and baubles and tinsel cover the tree,
that hide the presents under for you and me.
On Christmas day the wait is over
Ploughing snow with a land rover
Sitting by the fire so warm
Away from the Christmas storm!
by Georgia B
Age 10
Class 6KR
"Winter" by Brandon H, Age 10, Class 6KR
Winter time is very near,
I need to wear two pairs of socks and a woolly bobble hat,
Number one need is to go downstairs,
To catch Santa unawares!
Everyone is in the spirit,
Ready for tomorrow morning!
By Brandon H
Age 10
Class 6KR
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
"The Snow Spider" by Brandon H, Age 10, Class 6KR
The Snow Spider
Lucy was trudging home in her elephant and rabbit Wellingtons and bright red coat, when she suddenly came across a most unfamiliar sight; a spider was on her bedroom windowsill, staring at her as though she was a delectable tiramisu.
The spider was jet black with strange, blood-red markings on its abdomen.
Lucy ignored this after a while, thinking it purely coincidental that it was upon her windowsill.
When inside, she called to her mum to tell her that she was home.
Lucy flicked the switch on the kettle and spooned two spoons of cocoa into a mug.
She brought the mass of liquid gold and steam onto the worktop and squirted mountains of whipped cream onto the top; she added miniature marshmallows and chocolate shavings to the cream.
She brought the mug to her lips and sipped; the cocoa was only mild to her in this terrible cold, it felt as though she was having a cold bath in the blazing summer as it trickled down her throat.
She took off her coat, scarf and Wellingtons and went upstairs to the computer in her room to play online hangman with her friend, Meggie.
There was a rapping at her window; Lucy turned her head and forgot all about Meggie and hangman.
The spider was at her window, a bright web was spun above it, and it had mysterious writing on it:
I am with you,
I watch over you,
You may say,
In a way,
I am the queen of snow spiders.
“Spiders can write, and…snow spiders, it looks like a black widow…it…oh my god!” she gasped, nearly in a babbling fit.
In front of her was a beautiful woman, she was wearing a flowing, glacier blue gown; her hair was long and straight and snowflake white; her lips were the same color as peaches.
“Yes, Lucy,” she said “I am the snow queen, or, as you saw, the snow spider. I am your god-guardian; like a protector, an Ancient of the Christmas descendants”.
“But who, where, why are you here?”
“I thought it was time you knew me, I am, after all, your god-guardian, a descendant of the Ancients of Christmas.”
“Are you the queen in your world or…”
“No, I am just an ancient, though the religious people of my world believe me to be the daughter of the phoenix. They are, you must see, Shia’rians”.
“Followers of the Phoenix, it is she who is the maker of the world, no, she is the world, the core, the centre of the earth”.
“Could you tell me the story of the Phoenix?”
“Of course, it began before two thousand and eight years ago… the Phoenix was a creator, she was a magnificent golden bird, the world she had created turned against her, tried to kill her.
But killing the Phoenix was impossible, it kept fighting back and killing thousands of her world.
The battle against her lasted over a hundred years and the Phoenix’s people imprisoned her in a cage so powerful that the sun couldn’t melt it.
Years passed as the Phoenix’s world crumbled and the people and creations died off or survived on cannibalism.
The Phoenix’s cage collected dust particles and atmosphere, stars and miniature meteors over the years and our plants and nature grew on it, into the place that we now call…Earth”.
Lucy was intrigued; the look on her face said it all.
“I must go now, the descendants are calling,” said the snow queen. “But I must tell you this, you must never tell anyone of me, for they will not believe”.
But the next day though, Lucy told Meggie, who, of course, did not believe; she stared at Lucy as if she had said “I saw a train eating custard”.
This concludes our story.
By Brandon H
Age 10
Class 6KR
Friday, 28 November 2008
"Legends of Pendragon: Sir Gawain & the Loathsome Lady" by Brandon H, Age 10, Class 6KR
Legends of Pendragon: Sir Gawain & the Loathsome Lady
King Arthur was in the forest, hunting a doe with golden flanks that were smattered with white specks.
Suddenly, as he took aim on the doe, a figure opposite him grunted most loudly; the doe scampered away.
The figure was a knight in black; he rode upon a horse with armour as black as its flanks.
“If you honor your life as you honor your kingdom, then you shall answer me this question,” said the figure, and then added spitefully, “or die.
“Lay your question upon my breast, I shall figure it out,” said Arthur, bravely.
“What is it that every woman desires most? Return here in a year with thy answer.”
The knight let out an evil cackle and galloped away on his ebony steed.
As Arthur cantered away, pondering upon the knight’s question, a raspy voice from below spoke to him.
“So I see you are pondering, Sire, what is troubling thy mind?”
The voice belonged to the most contorted, misshaped woman that anyone in Camelot must ever have laid their eyes upon.
Her cheeks were like prunes; pitted like a miniature meteorite had hurtled into them.
She had a foul mouth; her lower lip protruded over her chin and when she opened it about four, browned teeth stared back at you. She was wearing red robes with golden lace; she sat upon a stump with a walking stick laid in front of her. Long tangles of faded, platinum blond hair hid her shoulders.
“A question has been laid down upon me, dear lady, a question of most hardship.”
“Tell me thy question, dear king, and I shall lift thy heavy burden.”
“A shadowy figure has approached me; his question was `what do women desire most’?”
“Come closer, king, I will tell you what I require in return.”
Arthur reluctantly agreed, the woman’s breath was ever so foul.
“What is the answer what do you require?”
“I require a husband, gentle and kind, like a swaying rose in the breeze.”
“I shall get thy requirement, but the answer, what is it?”
“Every woman desires her own way.”
“I thank thou, dear lady, I shall return at once in a twelvemonth.”
Arthur cantered off to the village, awaiting the assistance of Sir Gawain in the castle.
“You sent Hilda for me, Sire?” said Sir Gawain when he arrived.
“Yes, Gawain, I have a difficult decision for you.”
Arthur told Gawain all about what happened in the woods, and about the loathsome lady.
“I shall, go ahead, Sire, and marry this woman, whether her form is demonic or elegant, I shall wed with her.”
The next day at Camelot forest, Sir Gawain met up with the loathsome lady, to fulfill Arthur’s promise to her.
The loathsome lady got married to Sir Gawain, and Arthur answered the knight’s question, but peace was still not restored for Sir Gawain.
Gawain walked down the aisle and the castle grounds with this monstrosity of a lady, people pointed and gasped at the wedding when the loathsome lady removed her veil.
That night, Gawain was in his room, puffing upon his pipe, the loathly lady entered.
“Are you not going to kiss thy newlywed bride, Sir?”
Gawain stood up, lowered his pipe and made contact with the woman’s lips.
When he stood back, the lady had transformed; she was a model of pure beautifulness, with radiant, golden hair which flowed down her back like a river. Her red gown complimented her shape, and her face was as white and flawless as ivory.
“What has happened?” said Gawain, astonishment spreading over his face. “Art thou the same woman that I married?”
“Indeed it is, Sir, for years I have been cursed by that spell and now I am partly freed.”
“Yes, you must make a decision; would you have me fair by day and foul by night, or the opposite?”
“That is for you to decide, my dear.”
“Oh, dear Sir, you have given me what ever woman desires most, you have given me my own way, and never will you see that old hag again!”
By Brandon H
Age 10,
Class 6KR
Thursday, 27 November 2008
"Wet 'n' Wild" by Connor MS, Age 10, Class 6KR
Connor has written about an outing that was memorable to him - a part of his personal history!
Wet 'n' Wild
I was getting worried, James had not rang back to tell me if he could pick me up or not. It was 6:00pm and he said he would ring at 4:00pm. Suddenly, the phone rang, yes,it was James. He told me he could pick me up at quarter to six. I ran upstairs to get my gear ready!
At six we were there. I saw Jed and Brett in the queue waiting to get their ticket. We were arranging it for over 3 weeks now and I could not believe it.
''Connor,James come here get in front of us.'' I heard Brett shouting to us. ''Where have you been?''
"We were in traffic and we had to get petrol,''replied James.
''Anyway your turn to get your ticket.'' I said to Brett, Brett not even noticing Jed had ran off.
When we got changed, me and Jed went out to see if any one else had come. We saw Teigan chatting with Abbie with Charlie, Owen, Mark, Gary and Zoe-Lee having a right mess around behind them.
At 7:25 we went to the pool side. ''Five minutes to go,'' I heard Zoe-Lee saying to Mark in her squeaky voice. She always does her squeaky voice when she's excited. The whistle blew and we jumped in, Brett aimed for the alien float and the rest of us for the big one everyone wanted because it can hold the most. The funny bit is that Owen and Charlie came back with small circular ones.
We made a game, the boys got a big float and the girls got a big float and we played titanic. The girls had Teigan's family because there were more boys than girls.
At about 8:00 we all lined up for the slide. All the boys turned around, went head first and screamed 'I LOVE AMERICA!!' and the girls went just normal, apart from Teigan, she copied us.
AT 8:30 everyone started to get out. When we got changed half of the boys put hair gel on because,well,we're boys. For most of us the best part of the night is after swimming, we all get chips with salt,vinegar,tomato sauce and a tad, OK a bit,OK OK a lot of slush puppy on top. Then a few people (me, Brett, Jed and Owen) get sweets and tip them on top and after that home time.
We all said goodbye when we left and screamed at them till they'd gone up the road and we went home, put a DVD on and fell asleep watching and that was the best night of our lives(so far)!!
The End
By Connor MS
Age 10
Class 6KR
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
"My Cup Final Win" by Connor MS, Age 10, Class 6KR
My Cup Final Win
For any one who liked my 1966 football story i thought this might be a good addition to this site;my cup final win!!!
On one Saturday morning I got out of bad at 6:00 am to go to a football tournament.
On the Friday before my manager called my dad up and said ''Could Connor go in goal for our tournament,'' because our goalkeeper dislocated his thumb and could not play,it was too risky. My dad replied ''Sure he can but he has never been in goal before''That was when my nerves shivered.
But back to Saturday. My best mate from footie was Max and he put confidence in me.''Common Con how bad can it be just try your hardest and do not give up and who cares if you let a few goals you can't help it.''
''Thanks Max.'' I sternly said back to him and he knew I now had confidence in me. Suddenly out of the distance our manager for the day,Andy, shouted ''Common Bodmin I want to come back with a trophy!''
When we got there only 4 teams turned up including us and our B-team and they announced we were to play our B-team first. We won 3-1 with Harry, Ebony and Max scoring and Zoe-Lee,my good friend from school heading in from close range and I could not do anything to save it.
Next was St Tudy (where we are playing) and also my good mate, Damian Tull, who was striker for their team. We had a good game but not our best only winning 1-0 but our manager expecting more goals from us. But I was happy having keeping a clean sheet. Then our final team, Probus, the ones we dreaded,were playing against us. We knew we were going against them at one time but not so late. They were winning 2-0 at half time because I made 2 mistakes but our manager said to us ''I'd rather lose now and win in the final''
In the second half they were 3-0 up but with 5 minutes to go we had no chance and then Cory had a long shoot and was deflected into the net. Then Harry scored a Nice lace shoot from the wing and hit to posts and in. With two minutes to go Max smashed one in from close range and the come back was on and suddenly in the dying seconds we had a free-kick from the edge of the box.
I ran up to the half way line so if balls came back I could have a shoot but there was no need, Harry curled it in to the top corner. We went wild we had a big pile up in front of our supporters we could not believe it and as they took centre the final whistle blew.
We were buzzing in the final.We had Probus again,we had belief we could win and at half time we were winning 2-0 and in the final 3 minutes I made a save I would never forget: save in the top corner and it never went out (nice one Connor) and all I could hear is my dad saying ''Don't let team mates down now after a brill tournament'' and then they scored in the finale minute and all I did was scream at the referee "blow the whistle please" and.......... he did we won. We lifted the cup and I will never forget,the moment lifted the cup,my cup,the cup witch I will treasure forever.
Connor MS
Age 10
Class 6KR
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
"A Poem for History" by Georgia B, Age 10, Class 6KR
A Poem for History
Take one old castle, a knight or two,
then take a king and queen who,
rule the castle, and also the land
then take the history from one old hand.
Take a world war one and two,
and add it to your pot of stew,
then mix it up until it tastes right
and while eating it,think of all the brave knights.
If they had not have fought in the world war 2 and 1
then this land just wouldn't be done.
If it weren't for all those knights, you see
here would not be you and me.
So history isn't about some old dead guys who did great things,
but is about the past, any of that make a bell ring?
So when you are in your next history lesson, say
"If it wern't for all those people who took part in the wars, we would not have our land the way we do today"
By Georgia B
Age 10
Class 6KR
"Remember, remember..." by Brandon H, Age 10, Class 6KR
Remember, remember…
'In 1605, thirteen young men planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Among them was Guy Fawkes, Britain's most notorious traitor.'
After Queen Elizabeth died in sixteen-o-three, persecuted English Catholics hoped that James the first-Elizabeth’s son-would tolerate their religion more; James did, after all, have a Catholic mother.
Unfortunately for them, James wasn’t as tolerant as they had suspected and a number of men-thirteen to be exact-decided that violent action was the answer.
A small group formed, under the leadership of Robert Catesby. Catesby felt that violent action was warranted. Indeed, the thing was to blow up the Houses of Parliament. In doing so, they would kill the king, maybe even the Prince of Wales, and the members of Parliament who were making things difficult for the Catholics. These conspirators are known as extremists and terrorists.
The conspirators carried thirty-six barrels of gunpowder; they stored them in a cellar, just under the House of Lords.
But as the group worked on the plot, it became clear that innocent people would be hurt or killed in the attack, including some people who even fought for more rights for Catholics. Some of the plotters started having second thoughts. One of the group members even sent an anonymous letter warning his friend, Lord Monteagle, to stay away from the Parliament on November fifth. Was the letter real?
The warning letter reached the King, and the King's forces made plans to stop the conspirators.
Guy Fawkes, who was in the cellar of the parliament with the thirty-six barrels of gunpowder when the authorities stormed it in the early hours of November fifth, was caught, tortured and executed.
They executed him by tying him to a plank of wood pushing it into the top of several stacks of hay and burning him to a frazzled crisp!
That is why we celebrate bonfire night every November fifth. Some people believe that Guy Fawkes was leader of the gunpowder plot, although it was just his ill-fate to be caught first.
"Remember, remember, the fifth of November; gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot!"
By Brandon H
Age 10
Class 6KR
"Titanic" by Brandon H, Age 10, Class 6KR
Boarding the “unsinkable”
I gave the man my boarding pass and he let me aboard, on my way to my cabin on the Titanic I saw several people; sophisticated ladies in posh whalebone corsets and gowns, with small men carrying their luggage, men in tatty clothes carrying cigar boxes and books, stick-thin men with long, plum-colored tail-coats.
I was on my own, feeling like I stood out because of my independence.
Up on the rear deck I leaned over the rail and waved to mum and dad.
I was one small girl from little Southampton sailing to big New York.
“Iceberg, dead ahead!”
I was relaxing in a recliner when I heard; women and men dropped their brandy and screamed, a man in the bird’s nest which was suspended on a pole, shouted; “iceberg, dead ahead!”
I dropped my book and made for a lifeboat, as everyone else clambered in I noticed that they were all women and children.
I saw some men rushing for the lifeboats, the men guarding them said; “Women and children only, sir, sorry ‘bout that, best wait for the minute!”
I stood there, a tremble with fright as one of the funnels snapped off of the Titanic.
The Titanic lifted upwards with the bow pointing to the heavens, people held onto the railings, their sweaty palms slipping as others fell into the icy, perilous waters below.
The Carpathia
A ship much like the Titanic drew along side our lifeboat and we clambered up the ropes which were threw down to us.
The ship was called the “Carpathia”, a ship that just happened to be passing by our tragic incident.
We were given a cup of rosehip tea each and wrapped in tartan blankets.
A boy came over to me, he was holding a mug of rosehip tea and wrapped in a tartan blanket, like me.
“Hello,” he stammered timidly. “I-I’m Chip, who are you?”
“I’m Elizabeth, sit down.”
But Chip didn’t sit down, all he did was point straight ahead and said; “what’s that?”
“More like where! It’s… is it? Yes! It is! America!”
New life, new parents
When we were off of the ship, Chip and I were to follow a man in a golden-laced, glacier blue tailcoat, an enormous top hat and giant, yellow bow-tie.
He led us into what looked like a very posh school, turns out that it was an orphanage.
I wasn’t an orphan, Chip was though, but mother and father had sent me here because they were short on rent for all three of us.
Chip and I shared a small room in the orphanage, until the day miraculously arrived.
“Here’s your new parents, children, come on, pip, pip, Scotland yard!”
We drove with our fosterers in a horse and carriage, which was being pulled by a beautiful horse with flanks of golden-sienna.
“What will our new names be?” I asked our fosterers, curiously.
“Would you like to keep your name?” said the woman, smiling down at me.
“I would, but what about Chip?”
“Chip, what’s your surname, dear?”
“I don’t know, missus,” Chip replied.
“Then I shall call you Chip Stanton, would you like that?”
“Yes, missus, very much, missus.”
“Oh and what was your name, my dear?” she asked me.
“Elizabeth Crawford.” I said.
“Then from now on, our estate shall be the Stanton and Crawford estate”.
This is my new life and new parents, whom I shall live with for the rest of my life.
By Brandon H
Age 10
Class 6KR
"Fantastica: Book 3: The Gorgon's Game" & Book 4:"County of the Unicorns" By Brandon H, Age 10, Class 6KR
Fantastica: Book 3: The Gorgon's Game
Dear readers.
We just want you to know, what has happened to us.
can happen to anyone.
Do not take any wrong turns on your way back home.
You never know where you may end up.
Yours sincerely.
Brandon H and Georgia B.
Chapter one
Mum gets kidnapped
Deep in the witching hour, when the creatures of the night are stirring, Aaron, Georgia and Brandon’s friend, woke with a jolt. He had just snapped out of a nightmare.
“Oh, god, I have to tell them (Georgia and Brandon) this!”
Aaron scampered in his slippers and dressing gown, to Brandon and Georgia’s house.
He walked on the damp ground and pounded urgently at the door with his fists and pressed the doorbell so fast that it wouldn't play anything but a continuous beep!
“Don't get your knickers in a knot!” yelled Brandon. “I'm coming, I'm coming.”
Brandon peered through the spy hole and saw Aaron red-faced and breathing heavily.
“Oh, it’s you Aaron. What do you want?”
“Can I speak to you and Georgia in your bedroom?”
“Fine, but it’s your fault if we're grumpy.”
Brandon led Aaron upstairs to his bedroom after waking Georgia up and turned on the light.
“Why my room?” inquired Brandon.
“Well I was hoping you'd do a drawing of my nightmare.”
“Get lost, not at this time of night, just look at the clock.”
`12 `o’ clock’
Brandon led Aaron up the stairs and told him to wait in his bedroom while he fetched Georgia.
Georgia moaned when Brandon nudged her, she had her eyes squinted, because in the mornings hers and Brandon’s vision is blurry.
“Why have you woken me up at this time of night, Brandon?” she inquired.
“Because Aaron’s here.” Brandon yawned.
“I know crazy isn't it?”
“I'll say.”
“Right then, come on, Aaron’s waiting in my room.”
Aaron was sitting up on the ‘Purple Ronnie’ duvet, mumbling a tune.
“Right, on the bed and listen to my dream:
“You and Georgia were in it.”
“Mm hm”
“And your mother.”
“Get on with it.”
“Stop interrupting so I can.”
“You were in your rooms, and Amy (mum) was in hers, a creature flew into her room and swooped her out of the window!”
“Good God! Check her room ! ”
Aaron went to the end of the corridor and peeked through Amy’s keyhole.
Quickly, he sprinted to Brandon and Georgia and told them :
“There’s something in Amy’s room!”
“I don't know what it is.”
“Oh, God!”
“Shut up!”
“We're being quiet!”
Quickly a plan formulated in both Georgia and Brandon’s head.
“See here,” they said together, “we're going to slip through the back door.”
“Jinx!” said Brandon.
“Jinx padlock!” said Georgia”
“Aw, phooey”
“This isn’t a laughing matter, guys,” interrupted Aaron, “and what if the thing follows us?”
“Just do it,” said Brandon.
“Fine, fine.”
Chapter two
The creature is made of stone.
When outside, Georgia, Aaron and Brandon ducked behind some bushes and peeped through a little gap.
“The creature’s out,” he said.
The creature looked like a dog-faced giraffe without spots; its gray skin looked suspiciously like stone. It was about the size of a large toddler.
Slumped over his shoulder, was a tall, thin woman in a skirt and cropped-top and a sack over her head.
“And it’s got mum!”
The thing crashed through the gates, scattering wood like hale-stones.
With a mighty leap, the creature flew into the midnight sky.
Chapter three
The trio share a vision and the secret is out.
The creatures eyes glinted, greedily, they looked down on the young woman huddled in the bed.
He crept towards her, and lunged as the terrified woman let out a piercing scream.
It shoved a sack over her head, and...
The children shook themselves from the vision.
They looked at each other three times, then nodded.
They had all seen the vision.
“Whoa, creepy,” said Georgia.
“Aaron,” said Brandon. “I'm going to let you in on mine and Georgia’s biggest secret ever”
“No,” objected Georgia.
“As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted,” Brandon turned to Georgia, “me and Georgia know about these things.”
“What things?” inquired Aaron.
“Things like, like… that thing.”
“Oh, right.”
“We've killed them too.”
“We're going to kill that thing.”
“Was I supposed to hear that?”
No reply.
Chapter four
It is time to find mum.
All three children packed their rucksacks with a months supply of food and drink.
They lugged them on to their shoulders and stepped through the remains of the front gate.
The trio had recently found out that the creature was a gargoyle, by reading a copy of Arthur Spiderwick's field guide to the fantastical world around you.
“It’s time to find mum” Brandon announced.
Chapter five
Their perilous journey begins
The children started walking north, the way that the gargoyle flew.
This led them to a large field with hills dotted here and there and a great apple tree at the farthest end.
A pond was next to them, and they could hear the sound of sweet music coming from it.
They walked over to it and saw there a woman with translucent green skin.
She was playing a strange instrument like a flute, but smaller.
The brown hair of the woman was straight and dripping frequently with a strange liquid.
“La le lo le, do not sleep under the apple tree,” she sung.
“What is that?” Georgia and Aaron asked, pointing.
“It’s a nixie,” answered Brandon.
Aaron turned his attention to the nixie.
“Why not?” he said.
“La le, lo la,” she sang, “le lee” she dived under the pond without answering.
Chapter six
There is impending danger and a piskie-mouse.
“Wait, come back!” the children cried.
“There isn't a snowflake’s chance in a volcano of her coming back,” said a funny voice from beneath. “She simply delights in confusing passers-by.”
“Who’s there?” shouted the trio.
“Down here!” said the voice again.
Down on the ground was a largish field-mouse with a shiny bracelet around its waist.
There was an earring on his chewed left-ear.
“Who are you?” said Aaron.
“I am Billy C Harklark and I am here to warn you of impending danger”.
“Riiight” said Aaron, Georgia and Brandon.
“What are you?”
“What is this? An interrogation? I am a piskie-mouse”
“Well, anyway, we're off. See ya”.
“Good luck!”
Chapter seven
The trio are carried away by faerie folk.
“I feel tired,” said Georgia.
“Me too,” said Aaron.
“What did the nixie say, though?” pondered Brandon.
“I don't know,” said Aaron. “Let’s just crash under that apple tree.”
“Good idea,” said Georgia.
The three unloaded some food out of their bags and ate it.
Soon later, the children fell asleep on the dewy grass.
When they woke up, the children felt as though they were hanging upside-down.
As a matter of fact, they were as Georgia’s hair was touching the ground and Brandon’s jacket was hanging over his face.
They looked up and saw that their arms and legs were tied to a long branch being carried by two people.
One was a woman in a leafy blouse and dress, her skin was light brown. Her hair was wound round and round above her head.
The other was a man with pale, green speckled skin, like the underbelly of a frog.
His hair was long and black.
His clothes were also leafy but more colourful.
“Where are you taking us?” said Georgia.
No response.
Chapter eight
There are elves.
The children had fallen asleep while they were trying to get an answer from the faerie folk, and missed half of what they would have seen.
In front of them now, was a mound of grass surrounded by toadstools, a man like the other one carrying them with a bow and arrow stared at us as though we were a plate piled up with cockroaches.
“Em, yas nepo,” said the woman.
“That’s just what the dragon at home said,” whispered Brandon.
“What dragon?” asked Aaron.
“Long story”
The toadstools disappeared, and the two people charged in the direction of the hedge.
The people passed through the hill as though it were water.
Inside the hill it was bigger than outside, like Doctor Who’s Tardis.
There were loads of people like the people carrying the three, all dressed in leafy clothes.
Most of them were dancing around to Irish music, and there were smaller people in the corners sewing what looked like shoes.
“Elves” whispered Brandon.
Chapter nine
There are changelings and an Elven council.
The elves let go of the children and marched them to three small stools and ordered them to sit.
A tall female elf came from over a far corner, with a jug of maple syrup, which she offered the three children.
“Don’t drink it” mouthed Aaron to the others.
So Georgia and Brandon didn’t drink any maple syrup.
The elf had a Canadian accent, which the children found out at the Elven council.
The Canadian elf sat on top of a smooth tree which was bent into the ground, and said:
“You have trespassed upon our boundaries, why?”
“We’ve come to look for our mum and Aaron here’s helping us out,” Brandon said.
“I art Brandon and this is Georgia and Aaron, we hast cometh to thy boundaries to find our mother”
“Ah, I see, in the meantime we shall keep you here”
The elf gestured to three mounds of leaves, all red, golden and amber.
The three watched in astonishment as the leaves swirled into human shapes and the leaves swirled down to reveal three children, all exact replicas of the trio.
Chapter ten
The changelings die and the trio break out.
“One, two, three…” whispered Aaron “…strangle!”
The children leapt from their seats, and pounced on the changelings; they cupped their hands around the changelings’ necks and bashed their heads on the floor.
Sappy blood seeped from their crowns and rolled onto the floor, as all of this happened, the changelings’ skin started to waste away in leafy, petal shapes which swirled up into the air and disappeared.
When this happened, the children also started to fade away.
Starting with the legs then the torso and arms and lastly, the head.
Their bodies reappeared in a small, cramped stone room, with a pewter throne in the middle, curtains hung over the holes in the walls, long, tatty pieces of aged, yellow cloth with bloody stains.
The children looked around and at such an inappropriate time, said;
“The people who live here have absolutely no fashion sense.”
At that point, dog-like creatures with long necks, creatures that were small and pot-bellied with pig like appearances, emerged from inside the wall.
Then, as if by magic, sabers appeared in the children’s hands and automatically started puncturing the skins of the creatures’ and slicing off their heads.
In a few minutes, the sabers stop killing and disappeared.
The little room was now littered with dead gargoyles.
A fragile-looking figure of a hunched woman in a charcoal-gray cloak, emerged in a cloud of smoke, Cionacs’ broke through the surface of her hood.
“Fascinating creatures, gargoyles, aren't they?” she said in a raspy voice.
She pointed a long, bony finger at a corner of the room, a long, slender figure in shackles and a sack over her head.
Automatically, the children gasped;
“Mum!” and “Oh, my god! Amy!”
“Is she…?”
“Dead? Heavens, no. Knocked out, asleep”
Georgia and Brandon lifted the sack off of Amy’s head and saw the grossest, most contorted face they had ever seen in their whole lives.
They stared at the hunched figure for quite some time and her body straightened out, became more slender, the wrinkles on her fingers disappeared as though they had been ironed out.
She pulled back her hood and the children observed that she was a new-world gorgon, who had taken the form of their mother.
“Oh, my god!” the children chorused “Oh, my god, oh, my god!”
Wands appeared in the children’s hands and pointed directly at the gargoyle.
There were three flashes, all going towards the gorgon, which all flashed back and sent the children flying into three, separate cages, which bound up with vines which obscured the children’s view.
Brandon tried cutting through the cage with his pocket-knife, it cut the vines but not the metal.
A gargoyle scampered towards them and offered help, the gorgon saw this and, summoning all her power so that she lit up like a star, all this energy surged through her and slithered all over, like Cionacs, that all welled up into her hands and blasted the gargoyle, which gray skin, hardened like granite.
The gargoyle’s granite body tilted and swayed, it went this way and that, like a pendulum.
The gargoyle fell against the cages which smashed into each other, which made the cages’ doors swing violently open.
The gorgon’s head swivelled round and watched, terror-stricken, as the children hauled themselves off the ground and dusted the earth off of them.
“But…” she began, her face started to contort, she reached for a flask which seemed to be made of a frog’s underbelly.
Her flask slipped from her grasp and the face which was on Amy, faded away.
The children were awestruck as the face on the gargoyle, floated gently through the air and landed on Amy’s face.
The gorgon, however, returned to her natural, contorted self.
The children held onto Amy at this moment because she started to peel just like the children did, in leafy, petal shapes.
They all disappeared and Amy was lying with the children on her bed and was awake again.
Chapter eleven
The family and friend are home again.
Amy gathered the strength to stand up, the shackles disappeared but they left a mark as though a red hot bangle had been put on her wrist.
“Would you three like to tell me what’s going on, please?” Amy said.
“Amy,” Aaron said. “We've just been attacked by gargoyles’ to save your life, can we have just a little praise, please?”
“I know but that isn't what I asked, is it?”
“Well, me and Georgia have been fighting fantasy creatures since the same day that you called the police.”
“Have you? And today was to save my life, you children are my heroes”
Amy tousled Aaron’s hair and planted a kiss on Georgia and Brandon’s heads.
The trio may have more adventures, who knows?
Maybe soon there will be four children, we'll just have to wait and see.
End of book three
Thursday 4th December
****Editors note: The 'strange markings' in the following story were beautifully laid out by Brandon but unfortunately the website/blogger programme would not allow it. I have had to substitute with 'Webdings' font which unfortunately is not as effective. Sorry Brandon!******
Fantastica: County of the Unicorns
Chapter one
The trio becomes a quartet.
“Catch!” shouted Aaron, serving a ball.
Brandon attempted a catch which turned out to be ill-fated.
“This is too easy!” Aaron said, serving again.
“Can I play with you guys?” Asked a voice behind them.
The trio looked to see who it was; it was Chloe, a bright blonde-haired girl in a red coat, who was also in year six.
“Sure, Chloe,” They said.
And so the ‘catch championships’ began.
Chapter two
The sky is opening.
Chloe pointed towards the sky, the others observed what she had seen.
“Oh, my god!” they shouted.
The sky tore open, a great gash of light started to curl at its edges, the edges set on fire and burned outwards.
The gash started to swirl and glow harder, the quartet were drawn closer to it, Georgia and Brandon acted casually like this was an everyday thing, Aaron acted slightly amazed, Chloe was just plain gob smacked!
“What,” she said, “is that?”
“Long story,” the others said.
The four started to wobble in a dazed motion, their eyes became cloudy and they saw two of things; two trees, two of each other…
“Wh… What’s…?” The four dropped to the floor.
Chapter three
They are in Fantastica; county of the unicorns.
Birds hovered overhead, the sun cast a pale light over the quartet’s sleeping bodies, and the sun was like a pale coin that someone very high in the sky was dangling.
The children awoke and a slight breeze played across their faces.
They were in a meadow, lush, green grass mingled with the air, daisies and buttercups swayed softly. There were trees as high as shacks piled on top of each other, with twisted knotholes which seemed to be watching them.
Nearby, animals that looked like bleach-white ponies grazed on the grass and lapped from a pool full of still, clear water.
“Wow,” the quartet’s voices were extended.
One of the “ponies”, turned around and the quartet saw what the “ponies” really were.
Its eyes were like glaciers, a color of the palest blue. A single horn twisted above its head, which shimmered in the sun.
The unicorn, for that’s what it was, whinnied and the others came cantering into a cluster around it.
The unicorn that they had seen first, tilted its head downwards and observed the children, sniffing them, its shaggy mane tickling their faces, which made them chuckle.
“I Thought that I wouldn’t ever see the day,” it said, Chloe being the only one who’s lower jaw hung open.
“Salutations, children. I am Strawberry, these are my followers; Manticora, Miscellanocious, Thistlebud and Clover. We are, as you can see; unicorns. Legend says that we were hunted for our healing properties and horns which bestowed wishes. That is only partly true; we do have healing properties, but cannot bestow wishes. The other reason that we were hunted was that we started a war, years ago here in the world of Fantastica.”
“Fantastica?” Children in a surprised tone. “This place is called Fantastica?”
“Aye, children. For this is a world of fantastical creatures and objects, you could be in the middle of Nowhere-‘Nowhere,’ is spelt with a capital letter because it is a glade in Fantastica- and you could be being watched by the sprites, or the gremlins or even the trees.”
“So this place-that we’ve visited so many times- isn’t on Earth?” Said Brandon.
“It is on Earth, just in a place only the chosen ones can travel to.”
“So we’re the chosen ones?” They asked.
“I take it that you are,” he raised his head towards the sky, and said with awe: “the four of legend.”
“Wait, wait. You must be mistaken. We ent anyone special, just two of us keep getting sucked into Fantastica, and that’s Georgia and me,” said Brandon.
“Why didn’t you guys tell me about this place?” Said Chloe. “I take it that Aaron knows too?”
“Yeah, he does, but that’s only because he got tangled up in it. We didn’t tell anyone else ‘cause we didn’t think they’d believe it so we kept quiet about it.”
“Oh, sorry I snapped.”
“Nus, hchctawtekcop,” said Strawberry.
The sun shone brighter and little un-understandable looking markings appeared and swirled on the face of the sun.
“Has been two-thousand and eight years since any human stepped forth into Fantastica, the exact amount of time that he said.” Strawberry whinnied excitedly.
“Really? I thought that he was dead.”
“You must be the chosen ones; the four of legend!”
“King Starbuck was right.”
“King Starbuck?” inquired the quartet.
“He is the king. The great, noble king. He has foretold that this day would come! And so it has! You are the four of legend!”
“Four of legend. Is there any history on them?”
“Yes, I shall show you immediately!”
In a glade, that Strawberry had led the four into was a twisted tree stump, with a book, bound in what looked like animal skin, probably from a gremlin.
As the children stalked towards it, the pages turned left and landed on some strange markings, like the ones that were on the sun.
The children and Strawberry loomed over the page.
‘The four of legend,’ was the title, which was the only part in English.
The four of legend are the only humans able to step into Fantastica. Legend says that they must venture to Angel Island to prevent hell’s demonic plague from being spread by the evil omen himself, Satacrisatia.
The markings faded and in their place, English writing said:
The four of legend are the only humans able to step into Fantastica. Legend says that they must venture to Angel Island to prevent hell’s demonic plague from being spread by the evil omen himself, Satacrisatia.
“What are the names of the four of legend?” Asked Chloe.
The page altered and said, in the same, strange markings:
Brandon Georgia Aaron Chloe
The page altered again and said, in bad spelling:
Bryndun, Jyorja, Aarun, Clowee.
“Our names aren’t spelt right,” said Brandon.
The names vanished and in its place, said:
Brandon, Georgia, Aaron, Chloe.
“That’s us,” said Chloe.
“Indeed it is,” said Strawberry.
“But, Strawberry, who wrote this book? How do they know about us?”
“I must take you to the very man himself! He shall tell you. Jump onto my back, children.”
Strawberry galloped, he built such speed that the horseshoes on his feet gave off sparks, which set the grass alight.
Strawberry stopped in front of a huge castle, with towers at the sides, a huge, mahogany, arch-shaped door and a giant drawbridge to cross the lake around it.
The four dismounted from Strawberry’s back and stood there for five or ten minutes, their mouths gaping.
Chapter four
The quartet meets King Starbuck.
“Gink Starbuck, ti si tsuj I, Strawberry, yam I emoc ni?”
These Fantasticans speak funny, thought Chloe. What the hell does ‘yam I emoc ni’ mean?
A booming but withered sounding voice rang out from a room in the castle; “René, gnu Strawberry”
Strawberry led the children through tall, red-bricked turrets and up long, winding staircases; the children couldn’t seem to keep their eyes off of his feet.
His feet were like normal, human feet, except smaller, his small toes protruded from underneath fluffy heels.
They slowly walked through an archway which was at the very top of the staircase, into a small room.
Around them were things that looked like they were from the human world; an old, wind-up radio, some battered armchairs, etc…
Slumped in one of the armchairs was a midget of a man; he had small, beady black eyes that were so slit-ed that they could have crawled through a closed, Venetian blind. His beard was long and wiry, with a spray of white running down the middle. On the top of his head stood a magnificent, emerald encrusted crown, with spears rising from the rim. He was reading what looked like a newspaper.
“Fantastica’s governors screwing things up again, as usual,” he said grumpily.
“Gink Starbuck,” Strawberry perked up “easnt era eht nendlich. Eht Ruof Fo Dnegell, fi I ma tecerroc.”
King Starbuck nodded and slid a pair of horned, half-moon spectacles on.
“Come in, come in!” Starbuck said, not bothering to hide his glee “sit down on the sofa, rest your feet on the pouffes!”
“There aren’t any pouffes or a sofa, your majesty,” said Aaron.
The dwarf-like king-or ‘gink’ as Fantasticans call him- pointed at the armchair and did a swish and flick motion with his hand.
The armchair stretched at both sides, staining, making grunting noises as though it was alive. Two morphed up in the middle of the other two. The sofa started to swirl at the bottom, bits ripped out of it, making pouffes that were perfect ovals.
“So,” he said “sit down”.
The quartet did reluctantly as they were told.
“So, Four Of Legend, eh?”
Chapter five
The quartet is prepared for what is ahead.
“Oh, um, suppose so,” the quartet answered. “Why are we sucked into Fantastica again?”
“Because we need to prepare you for what is ahead, a war, a horrible, bloody war.”
“Who is this war against?” Chloe asked.
“Satacrisatia; a despicable demon from Vampire Beach where the fruit bats reside”.
“Vampire Beach?”
“Yes, you must go to Angel Island to thwart his plan of spreading the demonic plague to all of the residents”.
“The death-foreseeing banshees, phookas, seamaids, seakings, burrowing beaver people…”
“Are all of those…on our side?”
“Yes, Angel Island is home to our side, although…”
“Although what?”
“Although if we do not stop Satacrisatia soon…Angel Island will be ruins and the residents will die”.
“When do we start to thwart him?”
Tomorrow dawned and the curtains of the bed chamber that the quartet had used to sleep in fluttered.
“King Starbuck said that we should see Minestrone Knight in the hall today!” Shouted Chloe, pulling the covers off of the separate beds and rustling the others.
“Oh yeah, we do as well, c’mon guys,” said Aaron.
Chapter six
The quartet is suited up.
In the hall which was full of paintings of past kings and queens and armour was a dog-like being with blue-black fur and a tweed waistcoat; his ears were tall and pointy like a rabbits’, there was no mistake that he was a phooka.
“Follow me!” He beckoned hurryingly.
He led them into what looked like an Arthurian dressing room; it had four dressing screens made from the hide of an old world wyrm.
“Why are we here?” Aaron.
“To suit you up, your armour is hanging upon hangers in those cubicles that King Starbuck st…borrowed from the first dimension”.
In the cubicles were red robes, breast plates, gauntlets, chain mail and different helmets.
They stepped out from behind their screens; their armour fitted them all perfectly.
The phooka gestured to the far corner of the room where there stood four weapons; a sword, a saber, a javelin and a halberd.
The children slowed themselves down even though they were in a seriously excited rush to train with the weapons.
Brandon picked up the saber; “I could do some serious damage with this!” He admired it and tried to remember what he had learnt in his fencing class. He measured the weight and size and did a few practice swings.
Aaron picked up the sword; “god, this is so light; I think it’s a part of me!”
Aaron did the same as Brandon and stepped aside for the girls.
“I think Chloe should go before me, she is the latest person to find out this.” She said, giving Chloe a pat on the back and a gentle push.
Chloe bent down and hesitated before grasping the halberd; “It looks like an axe.”
She traveled to the left corner of the room and violently tackled a rugby ball that King Starbuck had ‘borrowed’.
Georgia had to have the javelin; she opened the arched window and aimed with precision at a tree, the javelin hit the tree and was stuck in it like a fly in honey.
They were all happy with their weapons.
They suddenly started to peel in petal shapes like the last time that they traveled to Fantastica.
Chapter seven
The battle begins.
They were in the middle of a burning wreckage of mud huts, galleons and bones; the sound of screams and tramping feet were audible as they were carried by the breeze.
Demonic-looking creatures emerged from the wreckages and stared blankly at the four of legend; they advance with their weapons.
A shadow loomed into vision, covering the grass like tarmac.
“Satacrisatia,” muttered the phooka.
He was at least seven feet tall with huge arms and hands the size of stereos.
He had amber eyes like cats’; he had teeth like sheep though they looked threatening.
He looked down, reached out a grubby hand and snatched Chloe; she managed to grasp her halberd firmly.
He breathed on her, she turned a ghastly shade of the palest white, she had small, black markings around her eyes.
Chloe went limp in his gigantic fist, the halberd landed thump on the floor.
Aaron charged with his sword, in the light of the fire, markings engraved in gold flashed down the blade of the sword.
Two large humps appeared on his ankles, they burst through his chain mail as wings.
Aaron whisked into the air, sword flashing, wings flapping…
The sword pierced Satacrisatia’s body and he stared; the sword glinted brightly and it coursed through his body.
Satacrisatia fell backwards and squashed some of the demons, a few minutes later, and the sword pulled itself out of Satacrisatia’s body and glowed.
Aaron clutched it, felt Satacrisatia’s chest. “He’s still breathing, he’s out cold,” he said. “We’d better get a move on before he wakes up”.
Chapter eight
The battle is won…but by whom?
The quartet wandered through the Beach of Angel Island, Chloe was still unconscious, and she was between the arms of Brandon and Aaron.
Dragging Chloe and seeing which direction they were in was a pain, they always had to check and see if they were losing grip or tightening it too much.
Chloe started to lift her head, the markings around her eyes faded and her face flushed when she saw who was holding her.
“Normally,” she said “I’d have slapped you two in your faces if this wasn’t happening, but in this case I’ll make an exception”.
The shadow loomed over them again. Chloe found her feet again and grasped her halberd.
She swung it into his foot, all three of his toes blackened and fell of, and they burnt to ashes.
Satacrisatia roared in pain, he went to grab Chloe again but couldn’t because she ducked and dived.
This time he roared in anger and tried to grab them all, Chloe fainted again.
Georgia brought up her javelin and Brandon did a fencing move with his saber.
The saber went straight through Satacrisatia's leg and the javelin cleaned his neck and stayed there.
He collapsed and groaned, his eyes drooped shut and his arm slid off his chest.
The children removed their weapons from his body and raised them in joy; Aaron and Brandon picked her up again and dragged her body towards the castle.
Chapter nine
The quartet is knighted and crowned.
The quartet was asked to sit on thrones; Chloe had a few bruises and a crutch but wore her armour over her still.
They each knelt in front of King Starbuck while he knighted them princes and princesses of Fantastica.
The crowning ceremony began and each was given crowns and tiaras.
The new names were given out; “Prince Aaron, ‘Aaron the adamant’” said King Starbuck. “Prince Brandon, ‘Brandon the brave’, Princess Georgia, ‘Georgia the great’, and, finally, Princess Chloe, ‘Chloe the courageous’”.
The looked at each other and grinned. “One question though, King Starbuck: are we the…the heirs?” asked Brandon. “Even if we leave Fantastica?”
“Yes, time will pass and I will be old and weary, but when the time is ripe, you will return to Fantastica, probably when you least expect it to”.
The children peeled, first their legs, then torsos and then their heads; “goodbye!” They shouted before they disappeared.
Chapter ten
The quartet is home again.
The quartet was on the lush, green grass outside of Hillside Park, they were still in chain mail and they had their weapons and crowns.
“Quick, let’s…Chloe, your crutch is gone! And your bruises and bandages!” Shouted Georgia. “Let’s get inside before anyone sees us in this get-up”.
Brandon and Georgia invited Aaron’s mum and Chloe’s mum, to their house to explain what had happened, when they told them they were absolutely horrified and gob smacked!
A short raving at and praise later, the children collapsed on the sofa and slept for two days.
By Brandon H
Age 10
Class 6KR
"Fantastica: Book2: Here there be dragons" by Brandon H, Age 10, Class 6KR
This is book 2 of Fantastica - so make sure you read Book 1 (scroll down below) first!
Fantastica:‘Here, there be dragons’
Dear readers.
We just want you to know, what has happened to us.
can happen to anyone.
Do not take any wrong turns on your way back home.
You never know where you may end up.
Yours sincerely.
Brandon H and Georgia B.
Chapter one
They meet a piskie.
“Tag!” shouted Brandon.
He and Georgia were playing ‘tag’.
“Unfair” sulked Georgia “you’re wearing heelys”.
Ting, ting, ting!
What was that noise?
Ting, ting, ting!
There it was again.
“Can you hear that?” asked Georgia, Brandon.
Brandon, who was particularly deaf, replied.
“Yeah, I think so. A bit.”
Brandon, turned his head downwards, to see a small, china-doll-faced little girl.
She had a scruffy fringe and pony tail, which hung over her shoulder.
A potato sack, draped over her as a dress, with daffodil flowers at her heels.
On her head, was a lit candlestick, in a lamp.
“Hello” she said. “I’m Rose”.
Chapter two
The piskie gets new clothes.
Georgia and Brandon were not-so-freaked-out, at this little cherub.
(After seeing the Cionac, the ogre and the troll, nothing seems to scare them).
“Aren’t you itching in that sack?” inquired Georgia to the piskie.
“Rather a lot, why?” chirruped the piskie.
“We’ve probably got some clothes for you”
“Georgia” interrupted Brandon, nudging Georgia “what are you playing at? We’ve no clothes that’ll fit her”.
“Oh, you’ll see what I have in mind”.
Georgia and Brandon ran into the house and went straight to Brandon’s bedroom, the piskie, Rose, followed close behind.
“Brandon, get a pair of boxers for Rose,” ordered Georgia.
Brandon, rummaged through his underwear drawer and pulled out a pair of faded, red boxers.
He measured them against Rose; they fit, so he put them on her.
Next, Georgia opened the attic door, on the ceiling.
She ducked down; and went to a pile of black-bags in the corner.
She tugged at the strong knots which held them together and pulled out an ice-cream-pink top, with a princess motif across it.
“D’you think this’d look nice on the piskie, pixie, cherub, the…whatever it is?”
“Yeah, ‘spose so”.
Georgia, put the tee-shirt on the piskie, it was a little baggy on Rose, but she didn’t mind.
Chapter three
They meet an elf
The piskie, took off on the front lawn, beckoning them with one of her pin-sized-fingers.
“I think she wants us to follow her,” said Georgia.
“Eh?” said Brandon.
“I SAID, I THINK SHE...Oh, for god’s sake, come on”.
The piskie, sprinted across the dewy grass, towards the gate.
Her face, now turning a light scarlet, her wings flapping slowly with exhaustion.
She stumbled, fell, then got to her feet and beckoned Georgia and Brandon again.
“Hurry, hurry” she panted.
They all stopped at the gate.
And they caught sight of a pot-bellied, little man.
He had small, pointed ears, which were both pierced with golden rings.
He had a large strip of cloth, tied with strong twine, around his waist, acting as a skirt.
With a green tattered shirt; and ancient leather jacket.
“'ello” he chirruped, in a rather throaty voice “oo, are you then?”
“I’m Brandon,” stammered Brandon, “and this is Georgia.”
“No, no. Not that,” he said, annoyed. “What are you, what are you?”
“Er, humans”.
“Yes, that’s what I meant. Now, follow me”.
The elf, led them through damp, underground tunnels, covered in moss; and across land, facing dangerous gremlins.
At last, they came to a familiar sight.
The bridge.
“But the troll’s there,” said Georgia. “Brandon, have you got your pocket-laser?”
“Torch!” Brandon, reached into his back-pocket and bought out his mini-torch.
Georgia took the torch; and edged towards the bridge.
Just like the first time, the planks creaked when she stepped on them, waking the troll.
Suddenly, slowly, the creature emerged, showing it’s crooked nose and cracked ribs.
There was a black scar, where his left eye would have been.
“Oi,” cried Georgia. “Want some of this?!”
Georgia, switched on the torch; and beamed it at the troll’s mouth.
The troll, roared in pain, flailing it’s arms.
It’s arms stopped flailing.
His chest, stopped heaving with each breath.
It gasped, coughed and spluttered.
Let out a beaten groan; and sank to the bottom of the lake.
Chapter four
The piskie’s candle goes to good use.
They jumped the hole-in-the-middle of the bridge; and scattered in a pile underground.
They looked up and saw another hole, punched in the surface earth.
“Damn it” scolded Georgia and Brandon.
That was the only thing they could see.
“Rose” said Georgia. Rose, kneeling down. “Could I just borrow your candle?”
The piskie, stood on tip-toe, losing a bit of her balance.
“Here.” She gave Georgia her candle stick.
The candle stick, gave off a dim glow, illuminating the cave.
Golds, roses and silvers, sparkled like glitter on the cave walls.
There were fat, small things bobbing about in the air. heads, long, frilly fronds, hung like with purple shells and glacier-blue heads. Long, glittering capes, hung from their stomachs, like curtains.
“Faeries,” observed Rose, “my friends”.
Rose, chirruped something to the faeries; and the faeries, flew Georgia and Brandon out of the hole in the surface, their long, elegant wings, flapping like a bird’s wings.
Chapter five
They ride…on a dragon.
After being brought out of the hole, Georgia, gave the piskie her candle stick back.
“Well, that was very polite of them,” she said.
They dusted their trousers; and tidied their hair with Brandon’s aerosol of 'Shockwaves' gel spray.
Then they saw something not as peculiar, as it would have been, before the Cionac, ogre and troll.
A long, horny, scarlet tail, slithered into the bushes.
Brandon and Georgia, peeked through the gap the tail had made; and there they saw an extraordinary sight.
“Oh, my god” they chorused “Oh, my god, oh, my god”.
There, in front of them, was something long and red, with golden horns, all the way down the back.
It, had a pointed face and cat-like ears, it’s amber eyes, blinked several times, until they met Georgia and Brandon.
“It’s a dragon,” observed Brandon.
“Well, duh,” Georgia was standing, perfectly motionless.
It stared at them for a while.
Then it rose and skulked towards them.
“Children, children,” it croaked. “I’ve been waiting for you.” It’s voice was similar to the troll’s.
“Come, onto my back, I, will fly you home”.
“D’you think he’s safe?” Brandon whispered to Georgia.
“How should I know?”
“Have you ever watched Eragon?”
“Come on!” The dragon’s voice sounded angry and impatient.
“Come on, Brandon do as it says.” Georgia was not used to disobeying people. “I think he’s safe”.
“ARE YOU NUTS!?” cried Brandon. “It’s back’s very spiky”.
When Brandon said that, a glimmer of light shone near the dragon’s back, the glimmer (like the ogre) burst into a heap of red powder, that grew into two saddles.
They were made of leather.
They were bister-coloured.
They were of irresistible comfort.
They reluctantly saddled the dragon up, Brandon in front, Georgia on back.
Brandon, held onto the dragons neck. Georgia, held Brandon’s shoulders.
The dragon, scraped his back heels against the ground, flapped it’s huge, scarlet wings, and took off.
Georgia and Brandon, were fifty feet in the air, feeling very scared.
The dragon, stopped in mid flight.
In front of it, Georgia and Brandon, stood two large oak trees, blocking their way.
“Em yas nepo,” said the dragon, under it’s breath.
The trees, burnt to the ground and the dragon passed through.
“What does that mean?” asked Georgia and Brandon.
“Open says me, of course,” he replied, chortling. “I, see your house” the dragon headed down.
Chapter six
They get home (as always the end chapter is).
The dragon, landed safely in the back yard, without their mum seeing.
It’s head slid’ therefore flattening hole patches of roses.
“Oh, for goodness sake, those are mums favourite roses!” exclaimed Brandon.
“She won’t see,” said Georgia, “she has hundreds”.
Brandon and Georgia, wanted to do a favour for the dragon, since it had flown them home.
“You can sleep in the barn next door,” they said. “It’s abandoned”.
“Thank you, children.” The dragon, trotted towards the barn.
“Come on Brandon,” said Georgia,“if we don’t get in fast enough, mum’ll kill us."
End of book two
By Brandon H
Class 6KR
Monday, 24 November 2008
"Fantastica: Book One" by Brandon H, Age 10, Class 6KR
Fantastica : Book One
Dear readers.
We just want you to know, what has happened to us,
can happen to anyone.
Do not take any wrong turns on your way back home.
You never know where you may end up.
Yours sincerely.
Brandon H & Georgia B.
Chapter one
You meet Georgia and Brandon.
Brandon’s alarm clock sang a continuous high pitched note.
This echoed through the house, consequently waking everyone in it.
Brandon was a very pale boy. He was so pale, his mother tells him he makes snow look dark. He wasn’t very tall, either.
His sister, Georgia (who didn’t have the same last name as him).
However, was much taller than him.
Chapter two
They get lost.
School, had just finished.
Georgia and Brandon, were walking back home (The long way as always).
“Looking forward to the holidays, sis?” asked Brandon.
“You bet” she replied.
They trudged through the forest, through clumps of weeds and fallen branches.
They suddenly stopped, dead in their tracks.
Both as still as a cat, spying on its prey.
Georgia managed to murmur a.
“What the heck is that?”
What was “that” though?
I suppose you are wondering what “it” is, eh?
Well, there was a thick vine, in the shape of a snake and it was moving (well, slithering actually).
Heading straight for them.
Suddenly, they broke their trance and stampeded in the direction of their school.
Once again, they stopped.
In front of them a great wall of vines, was blocking their path.
The “snake” now closer than ever.
Started sprouting a pair of long, leathery wings, like a dragon’s.
Brandon, fumbled around in the back pocket of his trousers,
looking for his pocket knife.
He then carved an arc shape into the thick wall and kicked it.
Leaving a gaping hole.
Together, they sprinted through it and got away.
“Where are we?” said Georgia.
Chapter three
They deal with an ogre.
Brandon and Georgia, stopped running.
Brandon leant against a tree.
“Owch!” something said in a booming gruff voice.
“What?” exclaimed Georgia and Brandon.
“Who said that?”.
“Bulgerth” announced the creature, proudly.
The tree that Brandon had leant against, caught on fire.
Then crumpled to the floor.
Revaling a humungous…Thing.
It had large, twiggy horns, sprouting from his knuckles and back.
He had small, yellow piggy eyes and teeth like screwdrivers, stuck out of it’s mouth.
“What are you?” asked Brandon.
“An ogre” said Bulgerth “A man-eating ogre”.
And lunged tree-trunk thick arm and thorn-covered hand toward them.
“I is enjoying gobblerring up little chiddles like yous two”.
“Well you en’t eating us” cried Brandon and stuck his pocket knife in Bulgerth’s eye.
“That tickles!” he cackled.
Brandon quickly took his pocket knife and put it back in his back pocket.
On the ground, there was a piece of granite.
It had a faint purple glow to it.
Brandon quickly scooped it up and chucked it violently at Bulgerth.
Bulgerth squealed in pain and burst into a heap of red powder which grew immediately into another tree.
Chapter four
They cross a bridge, with a lurking river troll.
“There’s a bridge up-a-head” said Brandon.
The bridge, looked old.
very, very old.
It, had musty, rotten planks of wood; and there was a gaping hole-in-the-middle.
The rest of the bridge, was made of hard, jagged rocks, held together with thin cement.
Georgia and Brandon, stepped, tentatively onto the first step.
With that ‘creak’, something began to surface from out of the hole.
First, came what looked like a… club.
Then, the top of a head, covered with grime.
The whole of the head surfaced.
It, had a crooked nose, and beady, amber eyes, like a cats.
“Whaaat haave we heere? It croaked, in a deep, hungry voice “lunch!”
It’s body surfaced showing cracked ribs and a shrivelled stomach.
“Youu, look tasty” he whispered.
“Brandon” said Georgia “give me your pocket laser”.
“Torch” Brandon said.
“Whatever” Georgia, took Brandon’s torch; and beamed it directly, into the troll’s left eye.
The troll, squealed in pain and his eye, burst into flame.
It sank back through the hole, into the lake.
Cursing Brandon and Georgia, with words I daren’t write.
Chapter five
They almost get home and Brandon gets trapped.
At the other end of the bridge, Georgia looked up and said in exclamations.
“Look! Up- a-head! I can see the school!”
Together they ran, toward the school.
Huffing and puffing, Their legs going like the clappers.
“Aah!” cried Brandon.
Strong vines, were climbing up Brandon's legs.
Brandon, tried reaching into his back-pocket but the vines, had already covered it.
“D**n it” Brandon, started tearing at the vines.
But that only tangled his hands up.
Now that his hands were in the vines, he sawed himself out of the vines.
“Georgia” he said “catch” he threw his pocket-knife to her.
Georgia, sawed urgently through the vines at the sole of his shoe.
The vines snapped and slipped off of Brandon’s legs, sending him toppling over.
Chapter six
They run from gremlins.
Georgia and Brandon, sprinted through the forest, heading for the school.
Suddenly, they stopped and listened.
They could hear rough, coarse, throaty noises, coming from not-so-far away.
There was a hollow log, with holes in the rear and front.
Half-a-dozen bloated, red bodies, with hairless, broken ears and pupiless white eyes.
They, were carrying sharp sticks and they had saucepans on their heads.
They started at Georgia and Brandon, causing them to run as well.
They kept on running, until they got to the school gates.
They shot through them, like a bullet- from- a- gun, locking them behind them.
Chapter seven
They get home.
“Georgia?” asked Brandon, "Georgia do you think mum phoned the police?”
“More than likely,” Georgia said.
By the time they reached home, their mother was on the phone.
She looked out of the window, her face was wet- as- a -flannel with tears.
“They’re here” her tears dried almost instantly and a look-of-anger, grew upon her face.
“Where, have you been?!” she demanded “it’s three in the morning! I’ve been worried sick!”
“Um” said Georgia and Brandon.
“Oh, well. At least you’re alive”
“Yeah, we guess so”.
“You must be so tired, go to bed”.
Georgia and Brandon, trudged up the stairs, went to their separate bedrooms and collapsed into a heavy sleep on their beds, without bothering to change.
End of book one
By Brandon H
Age 10
Class 6KR
"Why me?" by Brandon H, Age 10, Class 6KR
Brandon has created a story - a piece of fictional family history..........
Why me?
Chapter one...
I hate this day. The day that my mum got hitched with the worst step dad.
Being piggy in the middle is what I do best; complaints and arguments bounce off of me like I am a rubber-ball.
Mum got married in nineteen-eighty-three and soon after, dad died.
His name was Benny, he was so sweet and kind and gentle.
Now mum married this lump and he treats me like it’s Victorian London; spank here, spank there, clip round the ear, press weight down on head, etcetra…
If they don't divorce (hopefully very quickly) then I'll go cuckoo- crazy and delirious.
Why me?
Chapter two…
My disgusting, carbuncle of a step dad and my unbelievable mum are downstairs watching their wedding video on their, cheap cassette player (did I mention my step dad bought it, I never want to touch that)
Now it gets to the soppy bit, where stepdaddy-dearest says “I love you, my angelic cherub.”
Talk about fake and absolute… ick
If my step dad is an angel, he has devil horns, glasses, a moustache and a ruddy-great dagger!
If he was I would chuck a whopping demolition ball at him (if you can call him a him, I bet he’s a pot-bellied, green alien from the planet Uranus)!
I storm downstairs and pull the cassette player from its sockets and stamp on top of it with my football-boots, I then violently remove the wedding video and fiddle with the tape inside of it.
“There! Oh, and, step-daddy dearest, I think you’ll be pleased to know that I printed a divorce sheet off of the Internet and signed in both of your names. And now, mummy-dearest, your name is Louisa-May, not Louisa-Carter!”
My stepfather was a perfect model of horror, his face still as a statue, his bottom-lip quivered.
“Yeah, I knew your plan; you were going to take my mum’s money and bump her off, weren’t you?”
I rushed forward and slapped him several times around the face; he put me into a headlock.
I sank my teeth into his hand, he yelled, loosened his grip.
Now he’s gone for good.
Chapter three...
I and mum live in America now, away from him.
I call, her “mom” now, to blend into the American accent.
We have two dogs, one called Frankie and the other is called Terry, we have two cats called Jelly and Lemonfrost.
I hear a knock at the door; our first knock since we came here.
I rushed downstairs; I slid the bolt out of the lock and pulled open the door.
Oh, god, it’s him.
Chapter four...
There he stands, looming above me like Mr. Murdstone in Charles Dicken’s “David Copperfield”.
My lower jaw hung open; my step dad surprisingly ruffled my hair.
“Hello, Eva,” He said.
“W-w-what are y-you doing here?” I stammered.
“I have a job, here in America, I do a paper round; one pound twenty really isn’t enough for a week of struggling to hold all those papers from New York to Maine.”
“Well go and get another, I-I’ll call the p-police if you come here. Just give us the paper and go away!”
Unbelievably, my step dad dropped the paper and was hurtling down to New York.
Chapter four...
This concludes my story because of two reasons:
One: My wrist is aching.
Two: My step dad never came back.
By Brandon H
Age 10
Class 6KR