Fantastica : Book One
Dear readers.
We just want you to know, what has happened to us,
can happen to anyone.
Do not take any wrong turns on your way back home.
You never know where you may end up.
Yours sincerely.
Brandon H & Georgia B.
Chapter one
You meet Georgia and Brandon.
Brandon’s alarm clock sang a continuous high pitched note.
This echoed through the house, consequently waking everyone in it.
Brandon was a very pale boy. He was so pale, his mother tells him he makes snow look dark. He wasn’t very tall, either.
His sister, Georgia (who didn’t have the same last name as him).
However, was much taller than him.
Chapter two
They get lost.
School, had just finished.
Georgia and Brandon, were walking back home (The long way as always).
“Looking forward to the holidays, sis?” asked Brandon.
“You bet” she replied.
They trudged through the forest, through clumps of weeds and fallen branches.
They suddenly stopped, dead in their tracks.
Both as still as a cat, spying on its prey.
Georgia managed to murmur a.
“What the heck is that?”
What was “that” though?
I suppose you are wondering what “it” is, eh?
Well, there was a thick vine, in the shape of a snake and it was moving (well, slithering actually).
Heading straight for them.
Suddenly, they broke their trance and stampeded in the direction of their school.
Once again, they stopped.
In front of them a great wall of vines, was blocking their path.
The “snake” now closer than ever.
Started sprouting a pair of long, leathery wings, like a dragon’s.
Brandon, fumbled around in the back pocket of his trousers,
looking for his pocket knife.
He then carved an arc shape into the thick wall and kicked it.
Leaving a gaping hole.
Together, they sprinted through it and got away.
“Where are we?” said Georgia.
Chapter three
They deal with an ogre.
Brandon and Georgia, stopped running.
Brandon leant against a tree.
“Owch!” something said in a booming gruff voice.
“What?” exclaimed Georgia and Brandon.
“Who said that?”.
“Bulgerth” announced the creature, proudly.
The tree that Brandon had leant against, caught on fire.
Then crumpled to the floor.
Revaling a humungous…Thing.
It had large, twiggy horns, sprouting from his knuckles and back.
He had small, yellow piggy eyes and teeth like screwdrivers, stuck out of it’s mouth.
“What are you?” asked Brandon.
“An ogre” said Bulgerth “A man-eating ogre”.
And lunged tree-trunk thick arm and thorn-covered hand toward them.
“I is enjoying gobblerring up little chiddles like yous two”.
“Well you en’t eating us” cried Brandon and stuck his pocket knife in Bulgerth’s eye.
“That tickles!” he cackled.
Brandon quickly took his pocket knife and put it back in his back pocket.
On the ground, there was a piece of granite.
It had a faint purple glow to it.
Brandon quickly scooped it up and chucked it violently at Bulgerth.
Bulgerth squealed in pain and burst into a heap of red powder which grew immediately into another tree.
Chapter four
They cross a bridge, with a lurking river troll.
“There’s a bridge up-a-head” said Brandon.
The bridge, looked old.
very, very old.
It, had musty, rotten planks of wood; and there was a gaping hole-in-the-middle.
The rest of the bridge, was made of hard, jagged rocks, held together with thin cement.
Georgia and Brandon, stepped, tentatively onto the first step.
With that ‘creak’, something began to surface from out of the hole.
First, came what looked like a… club.
Then, the top of a head, covered with grime.
The whole of the head surfaced.
It, had a crooked nose, and beady, amber eyes, like a cats.
“Whaaat haave we heere? It croaked, in a deep, hungry voice “lunch!”
It’s body surfaced showing cracked ribs and a shrivelled stomach.
“Youu, look tasty” he whispered.
“Brandon” said Georgia “give me your pocket laser”.
“Torch” Brandon said.
“Whatever” Georgia, took Brandon’s torch; and beamed it directly, into the troll’s left eye.
The troll, squealed in pain and his eye, burst into flame.
It sank back through the hole, into the lake.
Cursing Brandon and Georgia, with words I daren’t write.
Chapter five
They almost get home and Brandon gets trapped.
At the other end of the bridge, Georgia looked up and said in exclamations.
“Look! Up- a-head! I can see the school!”
Together they ran, toward the school.
Huffing and puffing, Their legs going like the clappers.
“Aah!” cried Brandon.
Strong vines, were climbing up Brandon's legs.
Brandon, tried reaching into his back-pocket but the vines, had already covered it.
“D**n it” Brandon, started tearing at the vines.
But that only tangled his hands up.
Now that his hands were in the vines, he sawed himself out of the vines.
“Georgia” he said “catch” he threw his pocket-knife to her.
Georgia, sawed urgently through the vines at the sole of his shoe.
The vines snapped and slipped off of Brandon’s legs, sending him toppling over.
Chapter six
They run from gremlins.
Georgia and Brandon, sprinted through the forest, heading for the school.
Suddenly, they stopped and listened.
They could hear rough, coarse, throaty noises, coming from not-so-far away.
There was a hollow log, with holes in the rear and front.
Half-a-dozen bloated, red bodies, with hairless, broken ears and pupiless white eyes.
They, were carrying sharp sticks and they had saucepans on their heads.
They started at Georgia and Brandon, causing them to run as well.
They kept on running, until they got to the school gates.
They shot through them, like a bullet- from- a- gun, locking them behind them.
Chapter seven
They get home.
“Georgia?” asked Brandon, "Georgia do you think mum phoned the police?”
“More than likely,” Georgia said.
By the time they reached home, their mother was on the phone.
She looked out of the window, her face was wet- as- a -flannel with tears.
“They’re here” her tears dried almost instantly and a look-of-anger, grew upon her face.
“Where, have you been?!” she demanded “it’s three in the morning! I’ve been worried sick!”
“Um” said Georgia and Brandon.
“Oh, well. At least you’re alive”
“Yeah, we guess so”.
“You must be so tired, go to bed”.
Georgia and Brandon, trudged up the stairs, went to their separate bedrooms and collapsed into a heavy sleep on their beds, without bothering to change.
End of book one
By Brandon H
Age 10
Class 6KR

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