

Saturday, 22 November 2008

"The Tale of Sir Gawain and the Lothly Lady" by Georgia B, Class 6KR

The Tale of Sir Gawain and the Lothly Lady
ONE day King Arthur was riding in the forest for hunting purposes. Suddenly, he came across a black figure.“I am Gromer Somer Joure," the figure said. "You have wrongfully given my lands to Sir Gawain and for that, you will die unless you find the answer to a question I put to you.”
“Who are you, and what is this question you wish me to answer?” Arthur asked, getting his sword out, slowly.
"If you would win your life, return here in a twelvemonth with an answer to this question: What is it that every woman desires most?”
As suddenly as he had appeared, he was gone and the King found that he could move freely. He returned to his court with a heavy heart.
Of all his knights, sir Gawain was the only one to ask what the sadness he bore was. King Arthur explained the situation to him."and now I have to find what women desires to save my life. Goodness knows how long that will take"
"Don't worry sir. We shall ride forth and ask every woman they find what she most desires and collect the answers in a book."

They set out and asked women what they desired and soon they had a huge book of answers. But as many as they had found, they were still uneasy that any of the answers they had were the true one.
Shortly before the King had to meet with Gromer Somer Joure, he rode again through the forest of which he met the knight and came upon a hideously ugly woman, one whose ugliness was so great that original texts go on for many a verse describing it. She stopped him saying that she had the right answer and could save his life, if he agreed to her terms. He asked what these were, and she replied, “I am know as the Lothly lady and I want to marry one of your knights, Sir Gawain.”
King Arthur was horrified, and told her that he could not promise her Gawain without his consent and that he would return to her after speaking with Gawain. He returned to court and explained the situation to Gawain. Without hesitation, Gawain answered that he would marry her in a minute, even if she was a devil, if it would help Arthur.
After he got Sir Gawain's consent, King Arthur rode into the forest with Sir Gawain to find the Lothly lady. When he had found her, Arthur told her that Gawain had agreed to marry her if her answer was the one sought, but if one of the others they had collected was the one, the deal was off. Satisfied with this, she gave Arthur the answer.
On the appointed day, Arthur rode to meet with Gromer Somer Joure. Again Gromer appeared suddenly, demanding the answer to his question. Arthur gave him the book with the answers they collected. Gromer looked it over, laughed, and told Arthur to prepare to die. Arthur said, "Wait, I have one more answer," and gave him that of the Lothly lady.
Gromer roared in frustration! “Only my sister could have told you that! May she be burned in the fires of hell for her treachery! Go where you will, King Arthur, I will bother you no more.”
So Arthur returned to the Lothly lady and brought her back with him to court.
The Lothly lady demanded to be married publicly and to have a great feast with all the nobles attending. She was decked out in the most costly array, but her manners repulsed everyone there. Great was the pity felt for Gawain that day!
At last it was over and the couple led to their chamber. There Gawain gazed at the fire, reluctant to touch his bride, until she requested a kiss. Bravely, he acceded, only to find a most radiant woman in his arms. He stared speechless in wonder and, finally finding his tongue, asked her how could this be.
“I have waited in that shape until I found a man gentle enough to marry me. Now I offer you a choice: I can be fair by night and foul by day; or foul by night and fair by day. Decide which you want.”
Gawain thought for a while, pondering the events that had lead to this moment, and then it dawned on him what answer he must give. “I cannot make such a choice; that is for you to decide.”
She cried out in joy, “My lord, you are as wise as you are noble and true, for you have given me what every woman genuinely desires, sovereignty over herself. You will never see that hideous old hag again, for I choose to be fair from this time on.”

By Georgia B
Class 6KR


Anonymous said...

welldone geogia the story was great
from chloe 6kr

Anonymous said...

I like the jokes geogia they were great
from chloe 6kr

Anonymous said...

Hi Georgia it's Brandon.
your story was so brill that it was like you had taken it off the internet!
(if you did, then remember: ALL WRITING MUST BE YOUR OWN WORK!

Anonymous said...

by the way brandon, i did not get ANY of that off the internet. it was my litrecy work so ha and ha
